If you’re paying attention, then you’ll realise that everything on this site is actually saying one big thing, not lots of little things.

Stories that show up in Thinks are just practical examples of Methods in action, methods optimise your work and reify the Map, the Map grounds the Tools, the Tools implement the methods, and Outcomes engineering is the label we put on all of this!

Not sure where to start?

You can dive in anywhere. Choose whatever interests you. Suggestions:


The Jimmy Tools are the techniques we use the most day-to-day. If you are trying to get something done right now, start with the tools.


The Methods are guiding principles for how to work smart. They are relevant for any role, but are especially helpful if you’re one of those wrangling, get-stuff-done types.

If you’re trying to be more effective, read the methods.

Outcomes engineering

Outcomes engineering is the art of wrangling mess into progress! Conventional titles didn't seem to fit exactly what we were doing day-to-day, so we made up our own!

If you're having an identity crisis — we’ve been there! — then you might want to read about outcomes engineering

The Map

There’s a pattern to how work moves. Whether you’re launching a product, solving a problem, or driving change, success depends on three things: analysis, connection, and action. The Map is a mental model for how work actually moves between these focus areas — from idea to outcome.

The Map is the most abstract element of the whole Jimmy approach. It underpins everything we do. While the tools and the methods work without the map, the greatest value will come from using them all together. If you’re thinking about work and want to know how we think about it, you want the Map.


Whoever said that writing is thinking was seriously right. Since Jimmy began, writing has become how we think things through.

We spend a lot of time doing and thinking about all of this [gestures vaguely]. Once a month, we write down what we’ve been thinking about. Jimmy Thinks are long-form articles on related topics. Most article are designed to be evergreen: they shouldn’t date. Think of them as a reference for what we think about that topic!

So, if you’re mulling something, and want to know what we think about it, then you’re looking for the Thinks.


We also publish a short newsletter every fortnight with brief and unconventional thoughts on the real-world of business, analysis, outcomes, and getting stuff done.

Each edition usually has a single topic, is slightly less filtered than what we post on socials, and written entirely by Hannah. Sound interesting? Sign up below.